Immigration pour combler les pénuries de main-d’œuvre au Canada, êtes-vous admissibles?

Le gouvernement canadien dirigé par le premier ministre Justin Trudeau est en train de préparer de nouvelles règles et de nouvelles voies pour les internationaux qui souhaitent immigrer au Canada pour rejoindre la main-d’œuvre actuellement vacante. L’Entrée express du Canada connaîtra probablement des changements massifs pour remédier aux problèmes de pénurie de main-d’œuvre dans le pays. Selon les rapports, les autorités délivreront désormais des AVE aux candidats ayant une expérience de travail, une éducation ou des compétences linguistiques spécifiques, etc. La dernière mise à jour influente de la voie de résidence permanente la plus populaire (entrée express) a eu lieu avant que la pandémie ne modifie le paysage du marché du travail canadien. Ces changements visaient à relever des défis plus vastes au Canada, où les postes vacants n’étaient pas une priorité. En raison de la pandémie de covid et des fermetures, l’économie canadienne souffre de niveaux élevés de postes vacants dans de nombreux secteurs importants.

“We are using all of the tools at our disposal to tackle labor shortages, particularly in key sectors like health care, construction, and transportation. These changes will support Canadians in need of these services, and they will support employers by providing them with a more robust workforce who we can depend on to drive our economy forward into a prosperous future. I’m thrilled to announce expanded pathways to permanent residence in Canada for these in-demand workers, » a déclaré Sean Fraser, ministre de l’Immigration, des Réfugiés et de la Citoyenneté.

Les ressortissants étrangers ayant une expérience de travail dans les 16 professions suivantes peuvent désormais postuler via Entrée express :


– Gestionnaires de paie

– Assistants dentaires et assistants de laboratoire dentaire

– Aides-infirmiers, préposés aux bénéficiaires et préposés aux bénéficiaires

– Assistants techniques en pharmacie et assistants en pharmacie

– Aides-enseignants au primaire et au secondaire

– Shérifs et Huissiers

– Agents des services correctionnels

– Agents chargés de l’application des règlements et autres agents de réglementation

– Esthéticiennes, électrolystes et personnel assimilé

– Installateurs et réparateurs résidentiels et commerciaux

– Contrôleurs de nuisibles et fumigateurs

– Autres réparateurs et réparateurs

– Conducteurs de camion de transport

– Chauffeurs d’autobus, opérateurs de métro et autres opérateurs de transport en commun

– Conducteurs d’équipement lourd

– Assembleurs d’aéronefs et contrôleurs d’assemblage d’aéronefs


Afin de prendre de l’avance sur votre demande de résidence permanente, il serait crucial de vérifier le niveau de la demande et les offres d’emploi actuellement disponibles au Canada correspondant à vos expériences et qualifications. Cela vous donnera une idée de si le gouvernement canadien se concentrera sur votre profession en 2023 pour combler les postes vacants que connaissent les Canadiens.


Pour plus d’informations et sur la façon de commencer votre nouvelle vie au Canada, veuillez contacter notre cabinet d’avocats, il nous fera plaisir de vous aider!


Une réponse

  1. Bonjour

    Personnellement je dirais intéressant,très intéressant j’ai retrouvé mon emploi dans la liste alors oui je serais intéressé, eeste plus qu’à savoir :quoi faire ? Si ce n’est pas une arnaque à voir. 🤷🏽‍♀️

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Fee Agreement Contract

Services Provided

Legal services to be provided by our office (“Rebibo Law Offices”) will consist of an “Eligibility Review” (Assessment) conducted by one of our experienced immigration attorneys or migration agents. Our office will request from you (the “Applicant”) a detailed list of personal information and/or documents, and once received, one of our experienced immigration attorneys or migration agents will conduct a thorough analysis and provide you with a comprehensive Eligibility Review Report that identifies the relevant temporary and permanent relocation options that may be available to you in Canada.

Legal Fees

Package 1: Assessment for One Country Our legal fee to review the Applicant’s Eligibility for one country is 470.

Full payment must be made before this legal service is provided. The above fee does not include VAT (if applicable), government fees, translations, post or courier fees, or fees for any other service provided by our office such as legal consultations, application processes, or fees for any other legal or administrative service provided by our office or any other party. Please note that you if you will not be found eligible for any process in package two or package three you can be refunded. Scope of Service

The payment mentioned above is for the Eligibility Review only. If after we determine that you may be eligible for a visa, permanent residency, citizenship, or other status, you choose to engage our legal services to apply for this status, these fees would be separate and in addition to the payment you already made. Our goal is to provide you with quality and timely legal services at a reasonable cost. Using our professional judgment, we will endeavor to assign work on your behalf to those attorneys, immigration agents and other personnel that we deem appropriate under the circumstances. Not everyone qualifies to immigrate or relocate to the US, Canada or Australia, and while we will endeavor using our expertise to bring all available options to your attention, we cannot guarantee that there will be relocation options available to you. Further, our office cannot be held accountable for any future immigration-related action taken on your behalf without our assistance. Termination

The Applicant acknowledges and agrees that Rebibo Legal Law Offices shall be entitled to cease work on the Applicant’s file if the Applicant fails to fulfill payment obligations or to provide Rebibo Law Offices with requested accurate and adequate information and documentation on a timely basis. The Applicant must update Rebibo Law Offices of any changes to the Applicant’s contact information or address within seven calendar days of such change. It is expressly understood between the Parties that the agreed upon legal work will be deemed to have been concluded as soon as one of the following circumstances occur: completion of the Eligibility Review by Rebibo Law Offices, Termination of this agreement by the Applicant or withdrawal of the Application or becoming physically or mentally incapable of continuing said process or becoming financially insolvent; Termination of this agreement by Rebibo Law Offices according to this agreement (including without limitation, circumstances where this agreement was breached by the Applicant). No supplement, modification or waiver of this Agreement or any provision hereof shall be binding unless executed in writing by the Rebibo Law Offices Attorney assigned to the Applicant’s case. Additionally, such writing must clearly and explicitly state that the terms of the Fee Agreement are being changed. Notices, requests and other communications permitted or required to be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and can be delivered also to the email address designated by each Party. Legal Jurisdiction

Should any dispute arise between the Applicant and Rebibo Law Offices regarding the terms of this agreement, both Parties agree that this agreement shall be governed by and interpreted according to the laws of local legal jurisdiction authorities where Rebibo Law Offices is incorporated and each Party hereto submits irrevocably to the exclusive jurisdiction of the aforementioned legal authority. Acknowledgement

By your signature below, you acknowledge your understanding that Rebibo Law Offices is a private law firm, not affiliated with any other firm, company or government agency.

Respectfully yours,

Rebibo Legal